Why suffering?

Why suffering?

Photo by Matthew Henry on Unsplash

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At some point in your life you (or someone you know) may have been struck with an unimaginable and painful situation that may have led you to question and inadvertently cry out: Why me? Why does this have to happen to me? What have I done to deserve this? What’s the point? Why would God do this to me? Why would God make me suffer?

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4 thoughts on “Why suffering?

  1. Such a beautiful story of heartache and love and praise. I often ask the same question. Why does God allow suffering? You’re absolutely right! Why not? Jesus suffered and so many others. If we are to be like Jesus than why shouldn’t we suffer too? Out of every painful story there can be one of comfort and peace. We just have to be willing to look for it. Well done Justine!

  2. Thank you so much Robyn for taking the time to read this post. This topic is one that I hold close because it has taught me so much about God’s character and how I can be more like Him. I look forward to reading more of your comments in future posts. Our time here while we are alive prepares us for when we are together again with the Lord. During the most painful times, He has never left us.

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