While God is in Control

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven. Ecclesiastes 3:1

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.

Ecclesiastes 3:1

Our salvation through believing in Jesus Christ as our saviour and by God’s saving grace does not automatically grant us immunity from our worldly trials, troubles, tribulation and suffering. If you’re interested in reading more on what I think about on why suffering exists, please come back and click here. Jesus, both divine and human, knows all about suffering and He knows what you are going through. Yes. He does. Through Scripture and in faith we have learned that God is in control during difficult situations, but what do we do as God’s passengers while He is taking the wheel? What are some things that we can do in the meantime?

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4 thoughts on “While God is in Control

  1. Beautifully written, and solid Biblical advice on what to do in our seasons of waiting! I always remind myself, “While you wait, praise. While you wait, pray.” One thing I have also learned, regarding positive self-talk, is to focus on positive God-talk…Because I found that if I specifically focused on self, even if it was to reject negative words and try to replace them with positive ones, I was always running up against a limit of my efforts….But when I started focusing on God’s words, who He says I should be, as a wife, a mom, a woman, His child, and focusing on His ability, alone, to make me into who He says I should be, there was a new freedom and strength…Not because I improved my self-talk, specifically, but because God’s talk is so much more powerful! Like Jesus in the wilderness, I was learning to reject the enemy’s words, not with my own words, but only with God’s words…Of course, it’s a lifelong practice, and one that I’m still always working on, to have God’s words ever-more-constantly in my heart, on my mind, and on my lips, but I’m grateful that He leads me in this way! Blessings!

    1. Hi Sydney,
      Thank you for taking the time to stop by and read my post. If this is your first time, welcome! I love how you phrased it has “positive God-talk”. I absolutely love that and I think that is so true and more accurate. We are who we are because we are God’s children. I pray that you will continue to stop by as I can learn so much from you. God is good and I am grateful He has connected us. Many blessings to you.

  2. Justine that was such a meaningful and inspiring post.
    I pray that in the days ahead your words and the scriptures you shared will speak to me and remind me of God’s presence in all times, good and bad.
    Your post reminds me that God and His Spirit will be with me.

    Thank you for all you are doing, your blog and your posts mean a lot to me.

    1. Hi Vicki,
      Thanks so much for taking the time to read my post. You are always so supportive. God is always with us and we can be reminded of this through continuing to read His Scripture. It is He who gives me the competency to write His Work. God is good. I am so blessed to have you in my life.

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